Your Fantasy Sports Team Name Matters

The perfect name for your fantasy sports team can intimidate your opponents, giving you an advantage before your players even set foot on the field. The right name demonstrates your superior knowledge and ability to think. This puts your fantasy opponents on defense from the start and we all know we need our offense to score our points.
The key is to be clever without being confusing. A clever name only works if your opponents understand what you are saying. I like to read books on occasion but I know the average fantasy sports player will not know Falstaff from Faulkner (thats a Shakespeare character and an author for those who I've lost). Avoid higher level thought processes. For example anything involving a math equation or scientific principles should be avoided at all costs. I have made the mistake of being too intellectual. My fantasy football team was named Dante's Infernos and I was labeled the league nerd within moments. This does not strike fear into the heart of your opponents. Who fears a nerd?
Another mistake to avoid is naming the team after a personal favorite college or pro team. I love the Iowa Hawkeyes but the name is neither clever nor intimidating. It only displays your unoriginality to the rest of the league. Instead of using your favorite team name, mock a rivals name. If all of your buddies in the league are Minnesota Vikings fans name your team the Viqueens (not clever or original but it will make someone angry).
Stick with pop culture and most players will understand your team's name. I like to use commercials, television, and movies. Almost everyone has some exposure to these mediums. One name I have used before was Gaga Monster Inc. Everyone knew who I was talking about and some expressed their jealousy over my obviously superior name. A great name can be concocted if your turn a television show or movie title into some sport related name. I turned Snakes on a Plane in to "Snakes break the Plane". Not my best work but it displays my point of combining sports related terminology and elements of pop culture. If I can keep an opponent’s mind on their name versus my team’s name and off of their lineups, I have already won the first battle.
Recent news items can also inspire a team name. Michael Vick's Kennel Club or Pacman's Guns and Ammo may seem in poor taste but they will show just how you will be willing to give a gutsy performance all year long despite the consequences. Remember that your name represents who you are to the rest of your league. Have pride in your name and stay focused on what is important in your fantasy league: a great name and lots of trash talking. Bear in mind that your fantasy sports name should always catch attention.
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