Drafting Tips for Fantasy Football Beginners

Be prepared
We all know that the apocalypse is coming so be prepared, you should also be prepared when drafting fantasy football.
Get copies of rules and it should include the drafting method, scoring system and prize disbursement for the league. If this is your first time then why not learn all the terminologies? Look online and it will show, from there you can read several articles particularly about fantasy football.
Spend time to make a cheat sheet or take from experts or internet sites available online.
Don’t forget to look at the sleepers list, always check our sleepers pages in several websites as it may help.
Take your drafting equipments and be ready.
Your money should also be ready in cases of entry fees. Taking your cheat sheet is also important and an outdated FF magazine (that will be loaned to the guy who wants information from you). Several pens and pencils may also be needed for obvious reasons. Highlighters, at least two because one color will be for your pick and another color for other’s picks.
Take a clipboard with you too, I’m sure you don’t want to write on your knees for two hours. Folders are your friends when it comes to keeping things private.
Paper will be used to jot down ideas and notes to yourself.
A Blank draft roster grid should help and you can even take one from a site and print it out.
Observe more and talk less
Always observe other people’s picks and if everyone has already taken 4 running backs and you still have two then you are in big trouble.
Keeping quiet will only make you seem mysterious, while talking too much may give you a bad label.
Simply watching the other drafters will give you a picture of what you should and shouldn’t be doing.
Beware of bye weeks
A Quarter Back should never be drafted that has the same bye week as your starter for it defeats the purpose of drafting him.
It’s a good start to draft the best players available and not fill your roster in order.
A few people since they don’t know any better would draft QB, RB, RB, WR, WR, TE, K, D, QB RB, RB, WR, WR, K. Little did they know that it’s much more important to get your third RB before a kicker. In its simplest form, the value of a player is determined not by the number of points he scores but by how much he outscores his peers at his particular position.
Keeping these in mind will make you good at fantasy football!
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